Simple Pricing, Unbeatable Value


Begin your online journey
0 Monthly
  • 0 / year
  • 0 / 2 year
  • 0 / 3 year


Scale To New Heights
15,000 Monthly
  • 150,000 / year
  • 270,000 / 2 years
  • 390,000 / 3 years


Unleash Your Business Potential
30,000 Monthly
  • 300,000 / year
  • 540,000 / 2 years
  • 780,000 / 3 years


Tailored to Business Excellence
52,500 Monthly
  • 525,000 / year
  • 1,050,000 / 2 years
  • 1,575,000 / 3 years


Bespoke Solutions for Businesses That Want More
$ xxxx per xxxx
  • Custom number of sites,
  • Storage space, Bandwidth,
  • Website visit and more...

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us if you haven’t found what you are looking for.

How can I get started with Freeeweb’s services?

Simply click on the ‘Get Started’ button, fill out the form, and our team will guide you through the process.

How can Freeeweb help me establish an online presence?

Freeeweb offers free website creation services tailored to your business needs and goals, with the option to upgrade as you grow.

What kind of support can I expect from Freeeweb?

Our team provides dedicated assistance throughout the website creation process and beyond, ensuring your online success.

Is e-commerce integration a focus for Freeeweb?

Yes, Freeeweb specializes in helping businesses sell online by providing secure and user-friendly e-commerce solutions.

Is the website really free?

Yes, absolutely! We believe in removing barriers to entry for businesses looking to establish their online presence. We provide a free plan that is not handicapped in any way. Our ultimate goal is to get you started and growing. We believe we can only grow when you grow.

What is a Domain?

A domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit your website. In simple terms, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its address. A domain name typically costs 14.99 per year.

Use this tool or this (bulk domain search) to find the right domain name that complements your business. 

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, is commonly used on e-commerce sites and pages that require users to submit personal or credit card information. Ensures that all data passed between the two parties remains private and secure, prevents hackers from stealing private information such as credit card numbers, bank information, names, and addresses.

SSL certificates are what enable websites to move from HTTP to HTTPS, which is more secure.

SSL certificates are now a requirement for all websites, even if your website collects no user information. The browsers – led by Google and Mozilla – have mandated all sites be served with encryption via HTTPS.

What is the custom plan?

Custom is for the businesses that want more than what our standard plans offer. We will work with you to create a special plan tailored to your business needs.

What payment method do you accept?

Freeeweb accepts all major credit cards and debit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB and Diners. Additional payment options may be available in your specific location.

Do I need a website?

The question should be "can I afford not to have a website in this era?".
Consumer behavior has changed over time to adapt to the evolving technologies in the digital era. Thus, the number of people that uses the internet to find businesses has increased manifold. Hence, businesses in this era cannot afford not to have a website. 

In this day and age, some businesses still don’t realize that a majority of their customers will visit their website before making a purchase. The more businesses like yours (your competitors, technically) get online and yours is not, the more invisible your business become.

At freeeweb, we understand that, in some cases, organizations are hesitant to get online because they feel they are not tech-savvy enough and don't understand how to manage a website. And other times, companies are concerned about the price.

Our mission is to help regarding these concerns. That is why we created Freeeweb, presenting you the opportunity to ride this wave and get ahead of the curve for free, and at the most affordable cost. And, we are so passionate about this because we'd love to be at the beginning of your liberation story.


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